5 Hacks to Find a reasonable Craigslist Posting Service

The rise of the internet makes it easier for businesses to market themselves and their brand messages. Craigslist is one of the top classified websites that let users post ads for free, and draw optimal attention to their products, services etc. Many companies are opting for professional US based Craiglist posting service providers to save on the time and hassles associated with ad posting on the platform. Keep in mind that not all of them are quite affordable. Here are 5 ways to find an affordable Craigslist ad posting agency. 

usa craigslist poster

Look At the Packages

Look at the plans and packages offered by the agency, and ensure that it is a cost-effective one. Make sure that the company offers multiple packages, including a basic one that is the cheapest but has enough features on offer. A basic plan can be a great way to test a company and its services. If you are satisfied, you can opt for the premium package that offers more features. Compare the basic plans and opt for an agency that has offers the most services at the cheapest rates with its basic package. 

Ask About Discounts

Find out whether the company offers discounts and rebates, and whether you are eligible for such offers. Some agencies have promotional offers for local customers, businesses associated with a humanitarian, socially relevant or charitable cause, ex-military servicemen etc. With discounts, it's possible to reduce your advertising expenses significantly. 

Types of Services Included

Some agencies aren't in reality the cheapest in terms of pricing, but offer a wide range of services in each plan - which makes the packages cost-effective from the advertising perspective. For example, if a company offers Craigslist poster service along with social media advertising, promotional social post writing, content marketing and website analysis among other services, it is undoubtedly making an attractive offer that can be cost saving for you in the long run.

Pay For Live Ads Only

As you probably know, Craigslist is known for its strict ad posting rules and regulations. It is often that individuals and businesses end up flouting the norms and have their ads ghosted or flagged by the platform. The problem is common with many USA craigslist poster agencies as well, and you end up paying for ads that are not being shown. Thus, it is important to go only for a company that expects you to pay for live ads only, and not flagged or ghosted classifieds on Craigslist. 

Look For an Accredited Agency

Go for only an agency that is accredited, preferably by organizations such as Better Business Bureau (BBB). An accreditation implies that the company abides by proper standards and is fair in its practices. Such a company is likely to have a fair pricing policy as well, and you'll be assured that you will not be overcharged for any package that you opt for. Many reputed digital marketing agencies openly flaunt their accreditation on the company website, for the benefit and information of each of their customers. 


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